Training and Placement

Training and Placement Cell (T&P Cell) of Tripura Institute of Technology works in the following aspects to complement the efforts of the faculty members by organizing value-added programs and providing placement opportunities to students.

  1. The Cell is actively considering in the aspects like having Memorandum of Understanding with various Corporate Sector for the placement of students every year.
  2. It obtains feed back from organizations on a regular basis and conveys it to the respective departments, which in turn, train students accordingly, thereby increasing their placement opportunities.
  3. The Cell organizes certain orientation programs, grooming sessions, mock interviews for students of each stream. Besides, the Cell organizes various summer internship programs for students to provide them with hands-on experience and introducing them to match the professional environment.
  4. In view the requirements of industry, the Cell also takes initiative to arrange regular inter-active workshops, seminars and short-term courses with active participation of academia and industry.

Meet our Placement Officer

Siddhartha Das

Siddhartha Das

Placement Officer

Associate Professor and
Training and Placement Officer
Ph: 8731021688
[email protected]