Facilities of the Department

Sl No.

Name of the Laboratory

No. of students per set up (Batch Size)

Name  of the Important equipments


Automobile Shop

20 nos.

1. Four-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine test rig.

2. Four-cylinder four-stroke petrol engine test rig.

3. Reciprocating pump motor.

4. Exhaust gas analyser (Petrol).

5. Steering wheel mechanism with wheels.

6. Power brake system.

7. Fuel pumps (Mechanical & Electrical)

8. Fuel Injector (Diesel and Petrol)
9. Clutch assembly


Automobile Engineering Lab

20 Nos.

1. Hydraulic crane

2. Fuel pump calibration machine

3. Paint Booth

4. Computerized I C Engine test bed

5. Computerized wheel balancer machine

6. Automatic tire changer

7. Computerized wheel alignment system.

8. Auto Electric trainers
9. Diesel smoke meter