Automobile Engineering

The Department of Automobile Engineering of TIT (Erstwhile Polytechnic) started its journey in the year of 2003. This department is currently offering Diploma in Automobile Engineering. The program is approved by AICTE and affiliated with Tripura University (A Central University).

Vision of the Department

The vision of the Automobile Engineering Department is to create one of the best branches in the country in order to develop quality Automobile Engineers through excellence for industries as well as society.

Mission of the Department

M1: To provide comprehensive knowledge of Automobile Engineering with equal emphasis on theoretical and practical aspects and interdisciplinary problem-solvingskills.

M2:   To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Automobile Engineering alongwith interdisciplinary problem-solving skills.

M3: To develop a sense of morality and social responsibility through personality development Programs.

M4: To enhance industrial-institute interactions, advance research, and stimulate entrepreneurship through a deeper understanding of current technologies.

Contact Address


e-mail: [email protected]

Mob: 9774303820